
Anyone can may make financial donations in the following ways:

–       Online by clicking here

–          by mailing a cheque to the church at 209 Cochrane Street, Whitby, Ontario L1N 5H9

–          by dropping off a cheque at the church    (mailbox at the front door)

–          by becoming part of the very effective Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) program. Many people find it a convenient way to take care of their regular commitments to the church month by month.  This uses automatic withdrawals from your bank account to pay for the monthly expenses the church has – similar to what you would have for your own monthly expenses, such as insurances, taxes, fuel, mortgage, etc.  Please contact our church administrator at for more information.

Donations made on-line can be designated to the church’s general fund or our Missions and Outreach Foodbank program.  Cheque donations should be designated please.

Food Bank Donations Urgently Needed

We are seeing a significant increase in demand for food from new and repeat visitors to St. Andrew’s Community Outreach Food Bank. We currently assist our visitors on Fridays.  We would be pleased to receive donations of non-perishable foods or cash to our food bank. Charitable receipts will be provided for cash donations of any amount. Donations may be dropped off at the north door (back door) of the church between Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The church office phone number is 905 668-4022.